Support the Twisted Chef

The Twisted Chef
Hi, I am the Twisted Chef or call me Sepp! I make videos with “Super simple. Very tasty” recipes! On this page you can read the story behind the Twisted chef, why I use this name and what my goals are!

Story behind the Twisted chef
I always enjoyed cooking and when I was 15 years old, I started working in a restaurant (Karel V, in Utrecht). To this day I still work there and now we even have a Michelin star! In November 2023, I started the Twisted Chef. This to show people that “Very tasty” food isn’t always “Super difficult” to make!

Why the name Twisted Chef?
In 2018 I was hospitalized, because I was extremely underweight. This was caused by an eating disorder. The name Twisted Chef shows, that there is something ''twisted'' and that is my relationship with food. Come on board and follow my adventure to a healthy relationship with food and enjoy my ''Super simple. Very tasty'' recipes at the same time!

My goals
In November 2023, I made my first every video. I didn't start out trying to get a lot of followers (I also never thought that would be possible). The two goals I had in mind were to make people happy & entertain them and to rebuild a healthy relationship with food. Next to this I would like to introduce you to a dream I have. I wrote a vision for a clothing brand, Nuanso. The big idea, is to take clothing back to were it was meant for. No walking advertisements, but simple and elegant, something that elevates the person instead of the brand!
Support the Twisted Chef
Many people asked me if they could support me, so on their request I made this button (I found it pretty awkward to do so). A donation is always welcome, but for me personally is is all about making you guys happy with my videos and entertain you!